Play the ball as it lies

"Play the ball as it lies" - solves a LOT of problems:

A major cause of confusion and a continued challenge to the set of rules is "when it is /should it be, allowed til take a "free drop".

One of the challenges concerns the definition of "unnormal conditions":
The 2019-rules clarifies some of the conditions, mainly on the green - but there is still room for improvements
Another challenge is to define and clarify the method of relief = extra rules and more pages in the book of rules..

BUT:  much more serious:
Wrong reliefprocedures is normal practice on "nearly every" round of golf. And even professionals seems to get "the first spot of full relief + one club lenght" wrong.. I remember Tiger Woods being penalised. And many, many golfers dont do it right.
Generally, every situations where the player is allowed to lift the ball causes "new" problems.

The obvious solution is to play the ball as it lies! - as the general rule - and let the commitee define areas from where a free relief is possible.. and /or define local rules concerning specifik conditions..

Either define the character of the "unnormal condition" (?) - and make that consistent and fair - rather that defining "what or who" has caused the condition! Ex. A hole is a hole what ever has caused it..

OR - "play the ball as it lies" - or drop with a penalty -
It might seem "unfair" in some situations - but it is "unfair" for all - and it will simplify a lot..

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